Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Makin' A List

I'm actually a bit disappointed over the market's recent runup.  While I've made a lot of investments in the past several months, I've still got plenty of cash.  I'm hoping for an opportunity to put more to work.  

As I have mentioned in previous posts, I don't expect to go all in at the exact bottom.  I still believe Bob Farrell's prediction that the market will wander in a range of Dow 7800 to 9800 for quite a while-- until most investors lose interest.  Obviously, at today's close of 7750, we're clearly at the bottom end.  But I'd sure like to get another chance to buy below 7000.

So my conclusion is that I'll add to existing positions over the next week or two.  I'll take average position size up by about 25%.  I wouldn't be surprised to see the market pull back somewhat after the recent runup, and I'll be hoping to add at lower levels.  However, because I still believe that the stocks in my portfolio can double or triple over the next 3 to 4 years, I won't be too cute about trying to squeeze out that last 10% .  

Also, I'm thinking about some new names to add.  At the right price, I'd like to own COST, ECL, JNJ, KO, and one or two more energy stocks.  Do you have any suggestions?  

Portfolio update
My core portfolio remains ABB, BA, CAT, CSCO, DD, GE, GOOG, GS, INTC, NYT, PG, SLB, SYY, and WAG.  

1 comment:

  1. How about a sidebar with all the names (tickers and full name) in your core portfolio?
